Hope Central
Hope Central is a not for profit food service preparing, and serving meals to residents of Mission’s Downtown
More than a soup kitchen
Hope Central Ministries provides meals, relief services and engages those experiencing destitution and poverty to utilize all available community resources to work towards stability.
The Foundations of Hope Central
Hope Central provides meals, and relief services and engages those experiencing destitution and poverty to utilize all available community resources to work towards stability. is a not-for-profit, multi-denominational Christian society operating in Mission. We are a Christian ministry whose aim is to love unconditionally and gain credibility with one another through service.
“We have a vision of rallying like-minded groups, churches, charities, businesses and individuals to collaborate in a unified community that brings hope to individuals facing poverty.”
Community: The problems that the people who rely on Hope Central face are too big for anyone to take on alone.
Defining Poverty: We are learning that poverty is present in at least 4 ways.
Physical – Material needs. (eg. Money, Housing, Food.
Spiritual – Faith in God (eg. Living out God’s love)
Social – Lack of community. (eg. Loneliness, racism, prejudice, independence)
Psychological– Sense of self. (eg. Mental and Emotional Health, Identity)
We believe that alleviating poverty requires a holistic approach that affirms that all people experience poverty at some time and that solutions are often complex and long-term.
Correcting Entitlement: We are working hard against ‘entitlement’ and an “us” and “them” mentality. We believe that each person participating at Hope Central has something to offer.
The primary focus of Hope Central is building relationships with others and God. We hope to model health in issues around spirituality, self-image, relationships with others, and our role within society. Our commitment is a holistic one; to the development of: persons, community, the downtown of Mission and networks of social work efforts.
EMPOWER: We are becoming more consistently interested in the empowerment of individuals as the method that informs our model. This is moving us away from professional presence that creates an US/THEM dichotomy toward a philosophy that owns that “we are all US”. We want what we deliver to include participants that have been trained to give back.
PROVIDE VENUE TO VOLUNTEER: Volunteerism with streamlined staff. We don’t want to grow too big in staffing. We really want to be facilitators of volunteers that want to be part of finding solutions and contributing from a place of philanthropy/charity vs. being paid. We want to be equippers of volunteers and participants (to provide skills but also to accomplish the tasks of the program and space).
PARTNER: We value partnerships and not competing for clients. We hope to aim energies at places in the matrix of support that are not being addressed. We also want to have diversity and breadth in our roster of helpers as well as who we connect with and support.
FAMILY: We want to model realistic responses to entitlement. This relates to volunteers, staff and participants. An example is to keep people engaging with the heart of the mission we are about by keeping it simple and not about the hype.
A place to go next: To provide a role in, support of, and access to the process of a holistic delivery systems to the marginalized in Mission. (Relief – Rehabilitation – Development).
Debunk myths: To educate people about issues related to the complexity of the issues effecting the demographic (s) we are working with and how to respond.
Tear down walls: To facilitate unlikely relationships that improve the vibe of the Hope Central community.
Unified Strategy: To aim at best practices and proven models that inspire confidence and deliver success stories.
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Location & Contact
33129 Railway Ave. Mission BC 2J4
Phone: 604 820 4402
Email: info@hopecentralmission.com